Free PC Game of your choice!

The friendly and helpful staff here at Evatech are gamers first, and employees second. That’s why our latest promotion is gifting you a free game of your choosing when you buy any custom gaming PC from us. To see the extensive list of games available with this offer, simply head to the page linked here and follow the instructions on the page. EvaGame Database – get a free game with your custom built gaming PC.

The games eligible for free are limited to games that are released on PC currently (not in beta or early access, etc.) and have CD keys available for purchase, so that we can buy and send it your way, for redemption online. Some of the newest and biggest titles include Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Mad Max, Batman: Arkham Knight, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Project CARS, Grand Theft Auto V (5), Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, PayDay 2, and many more; yours for FREE with any custom gaming PC – just follow the simple instructions on the page to claim yours during checkout!

If you don’t see a game that you like listed, just send a quick email our way to see if we can get it added:

This couldn’t have come at a better time, with the new Intel CPU generation settling in and becoming quickly a very popular choice for our customers, you can now get a ‘miniature’ sized PC with the Skylake CPUs, or a regular sized PC. The Haswell option is slowly getting phased out, stock of certain CPUs and motherboards have already been discontinued on our website due to stock unavailability.

Lay-by is still an option on all of our custom gaming PCs – it’s just under 3 months to go until Christmas time, a gaming PC would make a great gift choice for a loved one interested in games. A PC has the greatest advantage of being a gaming machine when wanted, and a working machine for school/university at other times, unlike a regular gaming console.


