Ragnarok Custom Gaming PC in Corsair Graphite 760T Black

This PC was over $8,000 – expertly customised by our customer using the Pro PC Builder, where you can select which brand and model you want specifically, if you know what to do. Along with this PC, two 4K monitors were ordered. Let’s just take in the beauty from the photos below…

Build your own custom gaming PC the way you want it.

Ever wondered what 32GB of DDR4 RAM and 2x GTX Titan X graphics cards look like together? Wonder no more.

Under the Corsair liquid cooler is a $1,550 CPU: Intel 5960X. Definitely a high end system, but not something that’s rare for us either. We’ve had $10,000 systems before, and regularly get $5,000 – $6,000 systems too. It’s always nice to tease our readers though!


