Another maxed out Ryzen build here: 240mm Liquid Cooled 2700X, 32GB of RGB DDR4 RAM, 256GB NVMe M.2 SSD, 500GB ProSpec SATA SSD, 4TB HDD, GTX 1080 TI 11GB OC, Asus Strix SOAR sound card, Superfast AC WiFi card, grey sleeved PSU extension cables, an 850w gold PSU all inside of the new Spec Omega RGB case from Corsair... oh, and 2x extra RGB fans, and RGB LED strips – y‘know, for those days where you can‘t find the light switch?
Okay, enough RGB text. Who wants some undeniably awesome pictures of the build? You do!

We like a good RGB product. No really, just take a look at the keyboard yours truly is using to write up all these blog posts!