Wolfenstien 2: The New Colossus [E3 2017]

Continuing the deluge of gorgeous new first person shooters getting game play video’s released at E3, Arcane studios new Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is set an alt history 1961 America which the Nazi’s have invaded.

BJ returns as the ever bad ass protagonist to do what he does best in this dark, gritty, swastika filled dual gun wielding ‘shoot em up’ with gorgeous graphics, plenty of blood and of course mechanized, flame throwing Nazi’s.

With glowing write ups from everyone who got their hands on the 20 minute game play experience at E3, Wallenstein is now a front runner for the best of E3 and fans of the series should be excited to get their hands on it October 27th. The game will be cross platform but of course for the definitive experience with the best possible visual effects and fidelity, PC is the only place to play!

Time you got a new kick ass gaming PC so you’re prepared for the all the gorgeous new games releasing later this year? Head on over to our store page and check out the options today!


